Five Things to Do to Nail your Workforce Plan of the Future

There is no question that companies who manage the COVID crisis well, will win lasting loyalty. The aftermath of the pandemic will be in our midst for many months and even years, so every move matters. How companies are reacting to one of the largest shifts in our times largely includes how they handle their workers and customers right now.

If your essential workforce is the backbone of the make-or-break equation, are you building the right foundation for your employees and customers to thrive as we crawl out of the crisis? More importantly, what does that mean for companies who employ an hourly workforce to fulfill short-term needs?

There’s a big paradigm shift out there and things have fundamentally changed across all industries – from the way we hire and retain our employees, to how our employees respond to their new work week.

Instead of asking yourself, “when will things be back to normal?” — here are five things to know now, so you’re prepared for the post-coronavirus workforce of the future.

1. Flexibility is in high demand

When you give people choices, they respond positively. Workers are seeking balance in their family-work life and if you can offer that you’re a hero. If you create flexibility within a structure, it’s a win-win

2. Workers are seeking community

Employees are your greatest strength. When you build a sense of community your workforce feels committed. We’re not talking pizza parties and points systems; we mean really offering a sense of belonging that leads to retention.

3. Leadership drives change

Is someone in your company taking the reins to change the way your workforce model will respond to the post-COVID world?  Is it you? Know that the old model wasn’t working and now is the perfect opportunity to reboot how you hire and retain workers.

4. There will be another crisis

It’s important that companies have a plan in place to address uncertain circumstances — if you didn’t have one prior you should definitely make one now. Whether it’s another wave of COVID that comes with flu season this fall or an entirely different crisis in years to come, companies need to be prepared to act.

5. There is hope

There IS! There has never been a better time to implement change in your organization. We’ve been inspired by how employees have responded and stepped-up to come out of this time stronger than ever. We hope your workforce community is doing the same.

Take the first step today!

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