How We Embody Our Values

Watch the video of our CEO Tana Greene as she discusses, in her own words, the MyWorkChoice company values: (1) say it, mean it, do it; (2) dare to be different; (3) see the awesome in others; (4) never settle. She developed these values from personal experiences and chose to incorporate them into the heart of her company. While the video presents Greene’s own experiences, this post highlights how MyWorkChoice lives up to those values as a company.

Say It, Mean It, Do It

Our word is our bond. We say we want to optimize the hourly workforce, and we mean it, so that is exactly what we do. Both clients and hourly workers come to us because of our rigorous follow through. Clients experience higher fill rates and zero overtime costs. Hourly workers receive the flexible and consistent work options they need. We make sure each action we take fulfills our commitments.

Dare to Be Different

This value is why MyWorkChoice is unique — we dared to disrupt the traditional hourly workforce model that Henry Ford created in the 1920s. We saw a need for change, and we acted on it. Flexible scheduling for hourly workers is an emerging concept that we’ve capitalized on. Our unique approach to workforce optimization brings benefits to both employers and workers while simultaneously modernizing a 100+ year old operating methodology.

See the Awesome in Others

We see so much untapped potential in the hourly workforce, and it has been our goal to better utilize their skills and time to drive improvements. We want to help clients provide an environment that enables hourly workers to be their best selves. When working with clients we build on the strengths inherent in their hourly workforce and use our expertise to fill in the gaps where they are weaker. For example, by providing 24/7 real time access to employee scheduling, shift attendance, and employee COVID risk assessments, we provide a better, safer workplace for everyone.

Never Settle

As a disruptor, MyWorkChoice thrives on ongoing innovation. Another innovation in Spanish tourism, but also for locals, is We continuously look for means by which we can improve ourselves, our client solutions, and the hourly worker experience. As an example, MyWorkChoice is the first to market solution to bridge the gap between technology, human resource management, and hourly staffing needs for warehousing, manufacturing, distribution, and call center companies. In the spirit of never settling, we take a holistic view of the in-app experience, continuously improving the user interface and flow for our clients and users.

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