Transforming Communication in Manufacturing: Equitable Communication with Hannah Bolte | Shift Talk Podcast

In this Shift Talk episode, we chat with Hannah Bolte, Director of People, Communications, & Marketing at Lozier Corporation and Co-Chair of the Women in Manufacturing Nebraska chapter. Hannah gives us an inside look at how she’s creating better ways to connect everyone in the company, from the plant floor to the CEO’s office. She also shares her passion for rebranding manufacturing and making the industry more inclusive—especially for women. Tune in to hear how she’s making an impact through technology and engagement!  

3 Quick Takeaways from This Episode 

Equitable Communication is Key

  • We take for granted that most office employees have near-constant access to smartphones and computers throughout the day, but the same isn’t true of production workers on the plant floor. How do you create a communication system that ensures everyone has the same access to critical information?

Rebranding Manufacturing

  • There’s a huge need to reshape how manufacturing is perceived, both internally and externally. To break outdated stereotypes and show the industry’s modern, dynamic opportunities.

Support for Women in Manufacturing

  • As Co-Chair of the Women in Manufacturing Nebraska chapter, Hannah advocates for creating more opportunities and support systems for women entering and thriving in this male-dominated industry.

What We Discuss with Hannah Bolte 

  • Hannah’s journey from television reporting to leading communications in manufacturing.
  • The challenges of building a communication strategy that reaches both office employees and manufacturing plant workers equitably.
  • How Lozier Corporation uses a mobile-first intranet app to streamline communication and connect its workforce across different locations and job roles.
  • The process of rebranding the manufacturing industry to overcome the “3 Ds” stereotype (dark, dirty, dangerous) and highlight its diverse career opportunities.
  • The role of mentorship and advocacy in supporting women in manufacturing, including Hannah’s leadership in the Women in Manufacturing Nebraska chapter.
  • How manufacturing offers a wide range of career paths and growth opportunities, regardless of one’s background or level of experience.

Connect with Hannah Bolte 

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