My name is Penny, and I’m part of the MyWorkChoice community in Harrisburg, North Carolina.
My journey started with MyWorkChoice in November of 2019. In my primary job as a web developer working from home, the days can become long.
Why MyWorkChoice?
One of the reasons that MyWorkChoice appealed to me was that it gives me the ability to step outside of my home and get back into the world. MyWorkChoice was also appealing because I can choose the shifts I want to work and plan around my life.
As a parent of a teenage son who is very active in sports, I knew I wanted to attend his games, to be there for him. With MyWorkChoice I’m able to do that!

The Difference in Flexibility
MyWorkChoice has been very convenient for me. In other jobs, if I wanted to attend my son’s games, I’d need to request time off or talk to management about leaving early. When you do this, you feel like you’re putting a burden on yourself or the company. With MyWorkChoice, I am not in that situation. I simply schedule around my other commitments. The flexibility is like no other!
Fun fact about me: As a web developer, I work on a lot of new apps, existing apps, prototypes, and websites!